
Work Package 6

Global impact assessment

Leader: MINECO
Months: 1-60

The aim of this Work Package is to perform the impact assessment of the Water JPI and its activities according to the extent of their response to scientific, innovation, societal, technological, ecological and economic water challenges. The overall purpose is to provide a framework and guidelines for the impact assessment of the Water JPI and its activities, particularly those relating to international cooperation. In this sense, a review of the existing systems for impact assessment of joint actions and JPIs will be carried out (Task 6.1). Taking this review into account, guidelines for impact assessment of Water JPI progress will be developed (Task 6.2). Finally, the impact of the Water JPI and its activities will be assessed (Task 6.3).

6.1 Review of existing assessment systems for joint actions and JPI activities
6.2 Selection and development of guidelines for impact assessment
6.3 Impact assessment of the joint actions and JPI activities

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published on 2016/12/12 15:14:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-10-13T11:00:04+02:00