
2017 - Water and FACCE JPIs

Common Vision and Adapting the Strategies of the Water and FACCE JPIs (21/06/2017 – Bonn, Germany)

Members of the Water JPI on “Water Challenges for a Changing World” and FACCE-JPI  on “Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change”, and eighteen experts from all over Europe, gathered together to develop a framework and action plan, and to discuss common visions of the two JPIs. The one-day workshop “Common Vision and Adapting the Strategies of the Water and FACCE JPIs” was organized on 21st June 2017 in Bonn, Germany, and hosted by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE). 

After a brief introduction of the two initiatives, the participants were discussing the JPIs’ visions, their respective strategic research agendas – the Water JPI SRIA  and FACCE-JPI SRA  – including commonalities and differences, research and development needs, as well as possible synergy activities and shared strategies. The aim was to receive input for updating the SRIAs and align work as much as possible. A number of synergies were found, in particular in the areas of water scarcity, climate change adaptation and ecosystem services. Future collaborations between the two JPIs are now planned, and this common workshop is hopefully helping to continue in this direction.

View the Agenda

View the Master Presentation

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published on 2017/09/19 08:17:00 GMT+2 last modified 2020-03-10T16:01:56+02:00