
Joint Call 2017 - IC4WATER

water international cooperation  Supporting international cooperation activities water

Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 

2017 joint call esteso

List of projects funded under the Water JPI 2017 Joint Call on Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals” 

Eight transnational projects recommended for funding for €6.8M
Following the ranking list of proposals prepared by the independent Evaluation Panel of experts, the Call Steering Committee – composed by the IC4Water partners participating in the Water JPI 2017 Joint Call – has shortlisted and funded eight transnational research projects for a total Grant amount of over 6.8 million euros. The eight shortlisted projects are scientifically excellent projects, covering a wide range of disciplines (from social and economic sciences to nature sciences), and addressing both challenges presented in the call announcement.

Note: A procedure intended for coordinators of RD funded projects was developed by the Water JPI for requests of extension of a RD project duration, and is available here

The Kick-off meeting of the projects was held in Paris (France) on the 6th February 2019 were the projects coordinators have been interviewed about the main scientific gaps and the challenges and to reach the targets set out.



The Coordination and Support Action IC4WATER was launched in January 2017 in support of the Water JPI, and is funded by the European Commission under H2020. IC4WATER aims to implement Joint Activities in a dedicated effort to reinforce international cooperation in the area of water challenges, and to further support the implementation and the strategy of the Water JPI.

IC4WATER focuses in particular on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) related to water challenges for implementing the Water JPI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA 2.0). It will be implemented through a Joint Call for transnational collaborative projects on research and innovation to support the implementation of water policies. IC4WATER aims to develop new governance and knowledge management approaches by:

  • Developing new approaches and tools for water management aimed at setting up innovative alternatives suitable for decision-making.
  • Envisaging education and communication initiatives to raise social awareness of consumption habits and water scarcity and to increase the levels of social acceptance and use of recycled water.

IC4WATER will benefit researchers, policy-makers, water authorities, utility operators, industry and citizens by developing research and innovation in the water area.

Scope of the 2017 Joint Transnational Call funded under IC4WATER

Proposals are invited on the topic “Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”, organised around two challenges:

  1. Multiple pressure effects on ecosystems and ecosystem services as well as effective mitigation – adaptation tools and assessments for implementing the water related targets of the UN SDGs.
  2. Developing accessible solutions for clean water management to address UN SDG6 targets and associated SDGs.

The Water JPI 2017 Joint Call will be funded by 12 Funding Partner Organisations from 12 countries.

View the list of participating countries.

This Call is for collaborative transnational research proposals. Consortia should include a minimum of 3 partners from 3 different participating countries.

Researchers from other countries can also participate at their own costs (commitment needed for being associated to a consortium applying to the Water JPI 2017 Joint Call).

Planned Timeframe

Opening of the 2017 Joint Call - 11 October 2017

Webinar for applicants - 27 November 2017

1st stage – Deadline for submission of pre-proposals:  13 December 2017, 17h00 (CET).
2nd stage – Deadline for submission of full proposals: 27 June 2018, 17h00 (CEST)

The Water JPI has organised a webinar on the «2017 Joint Call : Water Resource Management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals» on 27th of November 2017.

Two webinar sessions were provided : Webinar A from 10:30 to 12:30 CET and Webinar B from 14:00 to 16:00 CET.

The webinar started with a 25 min presentation on how to apply, including guidance through templates and FAQ. The next 1.5 hours were dedicated to answer the questions submitted by attendees. The call secretariat  repled to all attendees through audio.

The recording and the questions and answers session of the webinar are now fully available here:

You can also download the presentation in PDF format.

 More information

IC4WATER Call Secretariat:
Johannes Holmen - Research Council of Norway



  1. Call pre-announcement
  2. Call announcement (includes detailed information on the aim and scope of the Joint Call, eligibility criteria, funds…)
  3. National/Regional regulations (contains detailed information from all Funding Partner Organisations participating in the Call)
  4. Full-Proposal template (word)
  5. Budget table template
  6. Electronic submission platform (Full Proposal)
  7. Users Guidelines for the electronic submission platform (Full-Proposal)
  8. FAQ  for the  2017 Joint Call (Full- Proposal).

Water JPI Policy Brief

Document Actions

published on 2017/06/27 07:17:00 GMT+2 last modified 2023-03-01T12:43:44+02:00