
Pilot call 2013 - WatEUr

The Water JPI funding partner organizations launched this first common call to enable multi-national, collaborative research, development and innovation projects addressing the topic "Emerging water contaminants - anthropogenic pollutants and pathogens".

Call Documents

The consortia of the seven projects funded by the Water JPI Pilot Call should report their activities following the requirements highlighted in the guidelines on project management and the templates available here.

PILOT CALL: Seven Project recommended for funding


Pilot Call 2013 final evaluation meeting presentations

Events and results:

MOTREM - Integrated processes for MOnitoring and Treatment of Emerging contaminants for water reuse

StARE - Stopping Antibiotic Resistance Evolution

Water JPI Policy Brief on Contaminants of Emerging Concern: What is contaminating our waters next? – an emerging risk in our waters

Document Actions

published on 2013/10/31 12:00:00 GMT+2 last modified 2019-07-26T11:55:26+02:00