

IC4WATER General Scheme and Governance

IC4WATER governance

Coordinator: is a legal entity acting as the intermediary between the Partners and the European Commission –ANR. The coordinator is supported by a management team which includes the Water JPI Secretariat and the persons integrating the ANR team.

Consortium: composed by partners’ representatives of the IC4WATER. This is the main body concerned with the overall direction of the project.

Steering Committee: formed by leaders of the six IC4WATER Work Packages and chaired by the Project Coordinator.

Call Steering Committee: this is the assembly of the funding organisations contributing to the Joint Transnational Call. The Call Steering Committee is presided by the funding organization holding the Call Secretariat.

Call Secretariat: coordination and management activities of the 2017 Joint Transnational Call – RCN.

Associated international partners: partners that are no requesting funds from the European Commission operating within differing scopes and frameworks. They will be involved in a variety of planned activities.

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published on 2016/12/12 14:39:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-08-30T10:59:11+02:00