
Work Package 3

Public - private partnership

Leader: IenW
Months: 7-48

The aim of this Work Package is to increase the impact of European knowledge, notably that of the Water JPI, worldwide by:

  1. Identifying the barriers in the knowledge transfer of research findings both in terms of policy and innovation to the economic sector (the economic sector is defined here as the private and public sectors providing water services and / or goods);
  2. Assessing the best practices for valorisation of European know-how on water solutions at the global level.

This Work Package will contribute to increased effectiveness in the development of European research and innovation programmes and the more efficient take-up of research findings by the economic sector at the international scale. The focus will be on the development of the knowledge base, identification of research needs and knowledge transfer to support the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. Additionally, know-how and experimental facilities from beyond Europe can help to solve our European domestic water challenges.

3.1 Develop a common approach / action plan together with the WssTP
3.2 Identifying the drivers and barriers for knowledge development and take-up by the economic sector
3.3 Developing recommendations on “Business models” for addressing the SDGs

Document Actions

published on 2016/12/12 15:14:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-10-13T10:57:46+02:00