
Work Packages

The CSA IC4WATER is pooling resources of 19 partners in total, including 18 participating research programme owners / managers of 17 European countries and the European Technology Platform, Water Europe.

Work Package 1 - Coordination and Management

Project steering activities and relations with the wider Water JPI community and European countries not participating in the Water JPI


Work Package 2 - Strategy for international cooperation

New cooperation models with the Water JPI peers in targeted countries and a global strategy for such international development


Work Package 3 - Public – Private Partnership

A common action plan with the economic sector: identifying barriers and assessing best practices


Work Package 4 - International Knowledge Hub

Development and implementation of the International Knowledge Hub of the Water JPI dedicated to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The Knowledge Hub Water4SDGs was launched by the Water JPI in December 2019. 


Work Package 5 - Joint Actions on UN SDGs

These joint actions are including a Joint Transnational Research Call on water-related UN SDGs - Water JPI 2017 Joint Call, and the organisation of an Exploratory Workshop on the Water JPI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in the light of the UN SDGs.


Work Package 6 - Global Impact Assessment

Global impact assessment of the Water JPI activities with a special attention to international cooperation activities.

Document Actions

published on 2016/01/11 16:37:00 GMT+2 last modified 2024-03-06T12:47:32+02:00