

“Alignment is the strategic approach taken by Member States to modify their national research programmes, priorities or activities as a consequence of the adoption of joint research priorities in the context of Joint Programming, with a view to improving the efficiency of investment in research at the level of Member States and the European Research Area.”
(Source: ERA-LEARN 2020 Policy Brief on impact assessment of networks, 2015)

Alignment can be implemented via (joint) actions undertaken by Member States or Associated Countries that aim to foster greater coordination and complementarities among national research priorities, programmes and activities around jointly identified strategic priorities (e.g. a Strategic Research Agenda).

Alignment aims to:

  1. Increase synergies amongst (existing) national research programmes and activities
  2. Trigger cost-efficiencies in research financing (e.g. via leverage effects)
  3. Enhance the level of scientific performance
  4. Help identify research gaps
  5. Maximise research impact on policy making and innovation in order to more effectively tackle global societal challenges

Why is it a key achievement of the Water JPI?
Success of the Water JPI is dependent upon the willingness to share and to proactively encourage alignment of existing and future national research agendas. Alignment is a crucial achievement; not only because it enables optimal use of national research funds, which ensures that global societal challenges are addressed more effectively with maximal societal impact, but it also supports the realisation of the ERA.

What has been achieved?
Alignment of national water RDI agendas & activities is one of the main aims of the JPIs.

  • Preparation of a Roadmap on Alignment Activities by a dedicated Task Force on Alignment composed of representatives from the United Kingdom (lead), Ireland (co-lead), Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the Netherlands.
  • Recommendation of research needs from the Water JPI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for inclusion as topics in Horizon 2020 Work Programmes.
  • Water JPI Alignment workshops

In addition to the Joint Calls, the Water JPI is currently piloting new Alignment instruments including:

More information will become available as these activities are being progressed in 2017/2018.

Document Actions

published on 2016/01/11 16:37:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-09-02T12:26:43+02:00