
Cooperation beyond Europe

Even though the primary remit of the JPIs is to promote cross-border collaboration of European Member States, international cooperation has rapidly emerged as a secondary priority, in particular for supporting the European leadership in water science and technology. The Water JPI current membership includes three Horizon Europe  Associated countries, e.g. Norway, Moldova and Turkey.

With the increased awareness on water challenges, the Water JPI has played over the last decade an important role in providing and steering research and innovation in the Water sector, in close cooperation with international conventions/ policies and international research fora, such as the Belmont Forum or the Global Water Research Coalition.

International cooperation activities within the Water JPI have the objectives of i) building the critical mass needed to provide an effective response to major societal challenges; and, ii) enabling Europe to participate more effectively in agenda setting in international water fora.

Activities in international cooperation have resulted in the participation of the countries listed below in Water JPI’s joint calls and the organisation of international workshops (ajouter lien vers les séminaires internationaux):

  • Brazil / Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies - CONFAP
  • Canada / Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council - NSERC
  • Egypt / Academy of Scientific Research & Technology - ASRT
  • South Africa / Water Research Commission involved in the four ERA-NETs Cofund and in five Water JPI Joint Calls – WRC
  • Taiwan / Taiwanese Ministry of Science and Technology – MOST
  • Tunisia / Institution for Agricultural Research and Higher Education – IRESA
  • Tunisia Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research - MHESR

Through the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Water Research Commission (WRC), the Republic of South-Africa joined the Water JPI as full member in November 2017.

The Water JPI launched in June 2022 its strategy on international cooperation within the framework of the Coordination Support Action (CSA) IC4WATER (International Cooperation, Supporting International Cooperation Activities on Water). The strategy identifies the most relevant strategic partners with which collaboration will be reinforced to effectively respond to water challenges. It also offers a good understanding of thematic priorities and cooperation barriers with 37 countries all over the world.

The Water JPI international cooperation strategy is currently being used as a basis for the development of the Water4All strategy for strengthened cooperation outside of Europe.

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published on 2016/02/19 17:56:00 GMT+2 last modified 2023-08-04T15:53:23+02:00