
Task Force on International cooperation

The Task Force has ceased its activities in 2017.

Latest exchanges with other program owners of countries outside Europe indicated that some extra effort was still needed to convince foreign parties on the benefits of the JPI. New ways of discussion and cooperation should be implemented for setting long-run cooperation (mutual shared RDI agenda with selected countries, research platforms, demonstration pilots, knowledge and technology hub). This was further developed in the following years through a Cooperation and Support Action (CSA) dedicated to international cooperation IC4WATER a supporting project that was launched in January 2017.

Strengthening international collaboration beyond the EU was one of the five priorities of the French Presidency of the Water JPI: international collaboration to be reinforced through the establishment of medium- and long-term partnerships with countries sharing mutual interests and willing to develop synergies and cooperation. The Water JPI aimed at the signing of “Declaration of Interests” forms with interested countries as a way to secure long-term cooperation.

For achieving this in the short term with key international water research and innovation programmes and the related funding / investment institutions, a Task Force, composed of members from Denmark, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Moldova, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, was established at the beginning of 2015. The Task force proposed to the Water JPI concrete actions that constituted the basis for supporting international activities under IC4WATER.

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published on 2016/02/19 17:54:00 GMT+2 last modified 2023-08-04T15:25:43+02:00