Work Package 2
Leader: ANR (Coordinator)
Months: 1-60
- Facilitating the further development & implementation of this international cooperation, in a systematic and strategic way, addressing the 2011 Water JPI Vision of underpinning knowledge and evidence to support the implementation of Water policies (such as the UN SDGs and European directives);
- Addressing the key questions: “with whom? When? With which cooperation models? On which shared priority research and innovation areas, where a coherent joint effort would generate more added value than bilateral activities?”.
All partners will contribute to this Work Package which is led by the Coordinator. The wider Water JPI community (i.e. Water JPI partner/observer countries not taking part in IC4WATER, beyond Europe partners in previous ERA-NETs, Advisory Boards) and the relevant initiatives (JPIs, Article 185 BONUS & PRIMA), and international institutions (Belmont Forum, coalitions or foundations) will be included in the dialogue. A close connection with the Work Package 3 activities, targeting the Water Economic Sector, will be established as the overall objectives are interlinked, due to existing stakeholder communities’ relationships.
2.1 Definition of the strategic criteria for becoming the privileged and attractive partner for global cooperation in research and innovation
2.2 Revision of the International Cooperation mapping
See conclusions of the mapping report “Identification of relevant international countries for RDI cooperation”.
2.3 Contacts with the Strategic Countries to identify cooperation models for further cooperation
2.4 Coordination with other JPIs, Policy – Makers and European public RD initiatives (GPC, ERA-Learn, EIP Water…)
2.5 Establishing the Water JPI International Strategy