
Communication and dissemination

Information exchange and dialogue among all possible actors in the water research and innovation domain are key elements in developing a common vision for the water sector in Europe and beyond. Overall goals of the communication and dissemination activities to support the uptake of the Water JPI outputs is to engage directly with water researchers, policy makers and practitioners and relevant stakeholders in the development of applications, tools, best practices, synergies, methodologies and innovative products and methods to improve the implementation of the European water policy and boost this relevant economic sector through a better coordinated research and innovation.

Information material is provided regularly to raise awareness and interest of the public to the present and future challenges according to this Communication and Dissemination Strategy.

In order to encourage the cooperation of public and private stakeholders of the water sector, improve the coordination of the activities of this water related initiative and contribute to the creation of cooperative science, society, policy interfacing networks in water research and innovation a practical guide for the implementation of the RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) concept is available here.

Document Actions

published on 2013/04/11 07:02:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-09-03T13:35:14+02:00