
Work Package 3

Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA)

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) is the Water JPI backbone, leading to the implementation of joint programming and to the achievement of strategic objectives. The SRIA:

  • embodies a collective and shared strategy, fed by national strategies and fitting the objectives of European RDI Programme owners

  • elaborates a bigger picture, and is based on shared prioritization.

JPI partners lead agenda definition, gathering the views of multiple stakeholders (JPI is driven by societal needs) and of the scientific community (ensuring state of the art approach and feasibility). The SRIA is neither the intersection of national (and regional where relevant) SRIAs.

In fact, the Water JPI SRIA goes beyond these points:

  • it is conceived as a collective, shared and forward-looking exercise that identify and prioritise RDI directions

  • it is built upon the intersection of national and regional strategies, recent collective work developed within the WatEUr consortium and outside, and feedback from internal and external consultations.

The Water JPI SRIA emerges in a quite dense landscape in terms of documents addressing RDI needs. Coordination such initiatives requires considering part of the existing foresight exercises and visions, and avoiding fruitless overlaps. Previous work in the Water JPI has led to the completion of the SRIA Thematic Analysis and the Framework for the SRIA, compiling input received from the Water JPI Advisory Boards.

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published on 2012/12/12 14:14:00 GMT+1 last modified 2018-08-27T11:40:00+01:00