
Pilot Call: seven projects recommended for funding

Seven transnational collaborative research projects in the field of water quality have been recommended for funding. Projects respond to the 2013 Water JPI Pilot Call, with a total budget of € 9 million. This Call for proposals focused on “Emerging water contaminants-anthropogenic pollutants and pathogens”. Following the evaluation of the received proposals by an International Panel the consortia recommended for funding are:






A novel Framework to Assess and manage contaminants of Emerging concern in indirect potable reuse

Thomas Ternes (Germany)

France, Italy, Norway


New METAgenomics and molecular based tools for European scale identification and control of emergent microbial contaminants in irrigation WATER

Rosina Girones (Spain)

Cyprus, Denmark, Germany


Integrated processes for MOnitoring and Treatment of Emerging contaminants for water reuse

Javier Marugan (Spain)

Finland, France, Germany, Italy


Persistence and fate of emerging contaminants and multi-resistant bacteria in a continuum of surface water groundwater from the laboratory scale to the regional scale

Corinne Le Gal La Salle (France)

Germany, Spain


PROtecting water resources from MObile TracE chemicals

Thorsten Reemtsma (Germany)

France, Norway, Spain


Stopping antibiotic Resistance Evolution

Célia M. Manaia (Portugal)

Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Spain


Tracking and assessing the Risk from Antibiotic Resistant genes using Chip technology in surface water ecosystems

Wolfgang Fritzsche (Germany)

Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain

These seven projects will start after the establishment of a Consortium Agreement. Grants will be received from the national funding institutions supporting each partner in the consortium, according to national rules. These projects will be funded by the following Water JPI partners: BMBF (Germany),  MINECO (Spain),  AKA (Finland),  ONEMA (France),  RCN (Norway),  Innovations Fonden - former DCSR (Denmark),  MIUR (Italy),  FCT (Portugal),  EPA (Ireland),  CDTI (Spain) and  RPF (Cyprus). Funding decisions will be made by these organisations later this year.

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published on 2014/07/01 08:38:00 GMT+2 last modified 2019-02-09T10:22:37+02:00