
Work Package 2

Water RDI mapping in Europe

WP2 builds on the preliminary mapping survey developed by the Water JPI and the complete mapping performed by Commission Services on Water in the Framework Programme. The previous Water JPI mapping effort focused only on programmes funding RDI projects. WatEUr broadens the scope of mapping activities. WP2 has been designed to gather relevant information on water-related research, development and innovation, at the national and regional levels.

The Water RDI Mapping will feed the development of the Water JPI Strategic research and Innovation Agenda (WP3).

WatEUr Mapping Report

Water JPI WatEUr D2.2 Second Year Mapping Report (WP2). December 2014.

Structure of the documents

  • ANNEX 1. Country Fiches. 24 Water JPI partner countries summarized their RDI Programmes on water issues and the major funding institutions with their annual financing:
Austria AT Austria France FR France Moldova MD Moldova
Belgium BE Belgium United Kingdom GB United Kingdom olanda NL The Netherlands
Cyprus CY Cyprus Greece GR Greece Norway NO Norway
Germany DE Germany Hungary HU Hungary Poland PL Poland
Denmark DK Denmark Ireland IE Ireland Portugal PT Portugal
Estonia EE Estonia Israel IL Israel Romania RO Romania
Spain ES Spain Italy IT Italy Sweden SE Sweden
Finland FI Finland Latvia LV Latvia Turkey TR Turkey
  • ANNEX 2. Interviews.
Laura Burke
Director-General of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Durk Krol
Director of the WssTP - European Technology Platform for Water Research and Innovation.
Deputy-Secretary General of EUREAU
Seppo Rekolainen
Director Freshwater Centre of the Finish Environment Institute (SYKE).
Vice President of SAG of the Water JPI.
Robert Schroeder
Policy Officer at the European Commission, Directorate General for the Environment, Unit C.1 Protection of Water Resources and presents the European Innovation Partnership on Water.
Jean-Philippe Torterotot
Deputy Director of Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.
Former President of EWA - European Water Association.
Marina Villegas Gracia
General Director of Scientific and Technical Research Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness.
President of the Water JPI GB.

Document Actions

published on 2012/12/12 15:14:00 GMT+2 last modified 2021-12-15T17:16:23+02:00