
Work Packages

Work Package 1 - Management and Coordination

This Work Package manages and coordinates WatEUr, ensures seamless integration between WatEUr and the Water JPI, manages external relations and supports Water JPI management bodies.


Work Package 2 - Water RDI Mapping in Europe

This Work Package has been designed to gather relevant information on water-related research, development and innovation, at the national and regional levels. The Water RDI Mapping will feed the development of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.


Work Package 3 - SRIA development and update

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) is the Water JPI backbone, leading to the implementation of joint programming and to the achievement of strategic objectives.


Work Package 4 - JPI Implementation

This Work Package implements the Water JPI SRIA using a light touch high level management and improving water services to European citizens, sustaining European scientific/technological leadership, making European water businesses more competitive and supporting European policies.


Work Package 5 - Coordination with activities outside Europe

This Work Package has for main objectives of strengthening the international dimension of European water RDI, and Developing durable partnerships for water RDI in the world.


Work Package 6 - Communication and Dissemination

Information and dialogue among all possible actors in water RDI are key elements in developing a common vision for the water sector in Europe and beyond. This Work Package will communicate and disseminate the results of the Water JPI and the associated WatEUr CSA.


Linking to WatEUr actions
Water RDI Mapping, 2015 & 2020

Document Actions

published on 2012/12/12 15:14:00 GMT+2 last modified 2024-03-06T12:46:48+02:00