
Work Package 4

Impact assessment and dissemination

Leader: ISPRA
Months: 1-60

The communication and dissemination activities have been executed in order to inform partners and stakeholders about the WaterWorks2014 general initiatives since its start in February 2015 and in particular in support of the Co-funded call launched in March 2015. Dissemination and exploitation of results contribute to transform the knowledge produced in WaterWorks2014 (Cofunded Call and Additional Activities) into solutions to the EU Water Challenges identified in the Water JPI Vision Document.
The objectives of WP4 are:

  1. To implement the WaterWorks2014 Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation of Results;
  2. To communicate WaterWorks2014 activities;
  3. To set up a contact point on Open Access and Open Data;
  4. To assess the impact of the funded projects both individually and collectively, in line with the objectives of the Water JPI SRIA; and
  5. To analyse the outcome of the impact assessment and project outcome and to elaborate recommendations for future calls of the Water JPI.

Document Actions

published on 2012/12/12 15:14:00 GMT+2 last modified 2021-12-16T00:15:32+02:00