
Work Package 1

Coordination and management

Leader: MINECO

Months: 1-60

This WP will manage and coordinate WW2014 and ensure: 1) seamless integration between WW2014 and the Water JPI, and 2) synergies with the ongoing FP7 CSA WatEUr. As a consequence, the WP objectives include:

  1. Steer WW2014 and its overall coherence with the Water JPI;
  2. Coordinate the Consortium and manage the Project;
  3. Provide efficient logistic and financial project management;
  4. Satisfy all contractual requirements, including reporting to the EC; and
  5. Implement effective quality and risk control.

All partners will contribute to this WP. Cooperation among partners will be essential for the project and will need to be extended to the Water JPI partner countries not taking part in WW2014, to the EC and to a large number of European actors in water Research, Development and Innovation (RDI). WP1 will manage the internal flow of WW2014 activities and its relation to the core activities of the Water JPI.

Document Actions

published on 2012/12/12 15:14:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-10-13T08:31:06+02:00