

The CSA IC4WATER on “Supporting international cooperation activities on water” addressed water challenges and EU policy priorities in the water sector within a global perspective.

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On the 17th January 2017, the Water JPI launched the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) IC4WATER dedicated to the development of international cooperation in the Water area.

IC4WATER  elaborated new principles of international transnational research and innovation cooperation through concrete joint programming. It focused on the theme of UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) related to Water challenges, and in particular on Goal 6 to “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”

The action pooled resources of 19 partners in total, including 18 participating research programme owners / managers of 17 European countries and the European Technology Platform, Water Europe.

The overall aims of the CSA IC4WATER included:

  • Increasing the scale and ambition of water Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) activities beyond the level that would otherwise be sustainable, increasing the overall coherence and efficiency of the use of European resources and valorising European know-how on water solutions at global level in the context of the 2030 sustainable development agenda;
  • Making the Water JPI, in cooperation with the European Commission, a privileged and attractive partner for global cooperation in research and innovation, notably in the context of the Belmont Forum;
  • A strengthened role of the Water JPI for underpinning knowledge and evidence for supporting the implementation of related international & EU policies, and for fostering the EU’s position in global water-related negotiations and fora.

This action resulted from the coordination with key European and international partners in order to avoid overlap, ensure information flow and foster a multiplicative effect of international cooperation activities for all involved. Hence, theproject received the support of numerous European and international partners:

IC4WATER was structured around six Work Packages (WPs), corresponding to each of the following objectives:

Objective-1. Stepping up the international RDI cooperation between the Water JPI and Beyond Europe countries through all IC4WATER activities (WP 2);

Objective-2. Enabling framework for the Water JPI implementation through a set of activities and iterative coordination with the existing Water JPI SRIA (WP 4);

Objective-3. Identifying opportunities for future research cooperation with international partners, both from the public and economic sector, considering the existing networks such as the Belmont Forum or Water Europe (WPs 2 and 3);

Objective-4. Enhancing the Water JPI networking for further expansion (WPs 2, 4 and 5);

Objective-5. Developing a more efficient knowledge transfer through the launch of a dedicated knowledge hub (WP 4); and

Objective-6. Supporting the Water resources management Policies, in particular the post-2015 sustainable development agenda with the UN SDGs’ implementation (All WPs).

The main outputs of IC4WATER included:

  • A strategy for developing the Water JPI network at the international level that will facilitate its implementation in a systematic and strategic way to address the Water JPI vision.
  • A Public – Private Partnership for research development and implementation, with key economic sector representatives, such as Water Europe, to increase the development of research and innovation programmes and the take-up of research on water challenges.
  • A new Knowledge Hub related to international water challenges aiming at establishing a critical mass of research and technological excellence, through integration and sharing of knowledge, infrastructures, data and modelling tools, training and capacity building, in addition to improving communication and networking with different stakeholders’ communities.
  • Joint Actions on UN SDGs for implementing the Water JPI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA 2.0) in the context of the UN SDGs, including a Joint Transnational Call.
  • A Global Impact Assessment method (download), integrating the impact assessment of the IC4WATER project in the context of the Water JPI activities, leading to an impact assessment method of the JPI network, to be discussed and adopted by the Water JPI Governing Board.

IC4WATER came to an end in June 2022.


Linking to Water JPI actions

Water JPI international cooperation strategy
Water4SDGs knowledge hub
Water JPI 2017 Joint Call on UN SDGs and the research funded projects
Water JPI Coordination and Support Action WatEUr
Water JPI ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2014
Water JPI ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015
Water JPI ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2017


Document Actions

published on 2016/12/12 13:35:00 GMT+2 last modified 2024-04-10T10:54:20+02:00