

LOGO_WaterWorks2015.pngWaterWorks2015 is a collaboration between two Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs), the Water JPI on “Water Challenges for a Changing World” and FACCE-JPI on “Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change”. Achieving a “sustainable water use in agriculture, to increase water use efficiency and reduce soil and water pollution” is at the intersection of the two JPIs, contributing to the implementation of their respective Strategic Research Agendas.

WaterWorks2015 aimed at pooling resources from the 32 participating research programme owners / managers of 23 countries to implement a joint call for proposals, with EU co-funding in the area of sustainable water use in agriculture and forestry. WaterWorks2015 brought together 6 organisations belonging to both JPIs, 15 countries from the Water JPI, 3 from the FACCE-JPI, as well as 9 organisations from associated and third countries, in an effort to reinforce international cooperation in the area of water use in agriculture and forestry. Additional Activities were carried out to further support the implementation and strategy of the Water JPI.

The overall aims of WaterWorks2015 included:

  • Pooling financial resources towards the definition and implementation of a Cofunded transnational and multi-disciplinary Call for research and innovation proposals
  • Overcoming the fragmentation of European water-related research and innovation activities
  • Supporting EU policies and initiatives in the field of water
  • Supporting the implementation and the development of the Water JPI

WaterWorks2015 was implemented through six Work Packages and related tasks which have been planned according to the specifications of the ERA-NET Cofund instrument.

The WaterWorks2015 came to an end in 2021. It was crucial to accomplish the general objectives of the Water JPI and FACCE-JPI.


Linking to Water JPI actions
Linking to other Initiatives
  • Previous Water-related ERA-NETs: CRUE (completed in 2009), IWRM NET (completed as an ERA-NET in 2010, with the network continuing operations), and SPLASH (completed in 2011), WaterWorks2014 (completed in 2020)
  • Related ERA-NETs: BiodivERsA (related through the area of green infrastructure); CIRCLE2 (related through floods and droughts), and FORESTERRA
  • European Technology Platforms (ETPs): The most directly related ETP is Water Europe. Cooperation between the Water JPI and the ETP Water Europe is fruitful; Water Europe taking part in the Water JPI Stakeholder Advisory Group (until 2022) and being a partner of the CSA IC4Water dedicated to the development of an international cooperation strategy in the water area
  • European Innovation Partnership on Water (EIP on Water): An initiative within the EU 2020 Innovation Union. Eight priority areas were chosen for the EIP Water, six of which were particularly relevant to the scope of WaterWorks2015: water reuse and recycling, water and wastewater treatment including recovery of resources, water-energy nexus, flood and drought risk management, water governance and decision support systems and monitoring. The Water JPI was actively engaged in the Steering Group and the Task Force of the EIP on Water

Document Actions

published on 2016/01/11 16:37:00 GMT+2 last modified 2021-12-17T15:39:25+02:00