
Work Package 4

Follow-up and monitoring of projects funded through the Co-funded Call

Leader: ANR

Participants: All co-funded call partners

Duration: Month 14 - 60

WP4 objectives are (i) to define and agree on common monitoring indicators and procedures for the funded projects, including report and evaluation forms and guidelines that fulfil both national and Horizon 2020 criteria; (ii) to follow-up on the funded projects throughout their lifetimes, and (iii) to monitor the quality and progress of the Co-funded projects. This WP will benefit from the experience of Biodiversa and the Water JPI for previous Co-funded Calls and non-Co-funded Calls, and from the experience of partners in similar activities.


4.1. Definition of a common monitoring and evaluation framework

4.2. Follow-up on the funded projects throughout their lifetimes

4.3 Organisation of the Kick-off meeting of the funded projects

4.4 Monitoring and evaluation of the Co-funded projects – Mid-term review

4.5 Monitoring and evaluation of the Co-funded projects – Final review

4.6 Organisation of a final conference of the Co-funded projects

4.7 Impact assessment of the Call and its projects

Document Actions

published on 2022/02/02 12:56:00 GMT+2 last modified 2022-02-03T12:58:43+02:00