
Work Package 6

Additional Activities on Strategy & Implementation

Leader: SRC

Participants: All AquaticPollutants partners

Duration: Month 1 – 60


This WP, led by SRC, includes Additional Activities oriented towards implementation, impact and visibility of the overall AquaticPollutants strategy and objectives. The aim of this WP is essentially to carry out additional calls and, if financially feasible, to implement activities for increasing the impact of the co-funded call and for increasing alignment between the three JPIs:

1) Increasing networking and impact of all JTC projects through implementing a Transfer Project as an additional call;

2) Implementing a TAP action following the elaborated joint strategy, to complement the JTC co-funded by the EC and align national programmes;

3) Contributing to progressing alignment within and beyond the Water JPI, JPI Oceans and JPI AMR communities

The implementation of all proposed activities will be adjusted to the available Cofund budget.



6.1 Additional Call - Pilot of a Scientific Networking and Transfer Project (TP)

6.2 Additional Call - Implementing a Thematic Annual Programming (TAP)

Document Actions

published on 2020/03/12 16:16:00 GMT+2 last modified 2024-03-07T12:10:44+02:00