


The organisational structure of the Consortium shall comprise the following Consortium Bodies:

  • Consortium: consisting of one representative of each Party, is the ultimate decision-making body of the consortium.
  • Coordinator (KIT-PTKA): legal entity acting as the intermediary between the Parties and the Funding Authority.
  • Management Team: consisting of the leaders of the seven AquaticPollutans Work Packages, as the supervisory body for the execution of the ERA-NET Cofund-Action, which shall report to and be accountable to the Consortium.

    The management team includes the leaders of the different WPs (ANR, AEI, SRC) in close cooperation with the JPI Secretariats.

    Call Steering Committee: consisting of one representative of each Funding Partner Organisation, as the ultimate decision-making body of the Joint Transnational Call.
  • Call Secretariat: body responsible for the coordination of the management activities of the Joint Transnational Call.

Management Structure:

governance schema.png

Document Actions

published on 2020/03/04 17:57:00 GMT+2 last modified 2022-08-29T10:54:54+02:00