
Work Package 2

Preparation and launch of the co-funded call

Leader:  Jülich

Participants: All co-funded call partners

Duration: Month 1 – 11


WP2 will implement the AquaticPollutants co-funded call on “Risks posed to human health and the environment by pollutants" and will manage the co-funded call from its definition until the submission of pre-proposals. JÜLICH will assume the leadership of this WP. The co-funded call will seek to maximise the benefits from synergies with other RDI activities, and complement the harmonisation of National/Regional Agendas. WP2 will be directly complemented by WP3, which will cover the rest of the co-funded call cycle.

This WP will benefit from the experience acquired during former activities of the three participating JPIs (e. g. the Water JPI Pilot Call 2013 on emerging contaminants, the Water JPI WaterWorks2015 call, the JPI AMR transmission dynamic call 2016, JPI AMR intervention call 2017, the JPI Oceans micro-plastics calls 2015 and 2018, the MarTERA calls 2017 and 2019).



2.1 Co-funded call definition and preparation: scope, documents and tools

2.2 Establishment of the Joint Call Secretariat and Guidance of applicants

Document Actions

published on 2020/03/12 16:15:00 GMT+2 last modified 2024-03-07T12:10:44+02:00