
Work Package 4

Follow-up and monitoring of projects resulting from the co-funded call

Leader: AEI

Participants: All co-funded call partners

Duration: Month 9 – 60


The objectives of WP4 are to:

1) Define a common set of project monitoring indicators and procedures, including a list of potential risks that may affect the execution of funded projects together with proposed mitigation measures, report and evaluation forms and guidelines that fulfil both national and H2020 criteria;

2) Monitor the progress of the co-funded call projects throughout their lifetime, providing advice where needed on project implementation and contractual requirements;

3) Coordinate the mid-term review and final evaluation of the co-funded call projects; and

5) Assess the impact of the co-funded call and of the funded projects.

AEI will assume the leadership of this WP. This WP will also monitor the outputs of the Transfer Project within the same evaluation framework and under the same timeline as the co-funded call projects, and therefore the impact assessment of Transfer Project.


4.1 Definition of the monitoring and evaluation framework

4.2 Follow-up – Mid-term review

4.3 Projects Final Evaluation

4.4 Impact assessment of the Call and its Projects

Document Actions

published on 2020/03/12 16:16:00 GMT+2 last modified 2024-03-07T12:10:44+02:00