
Work Packages

WaterWorks2015 aimed at pooling resources from the 32 participating research programme owners / managers of 23 countries to implement a joint call for proposals, with EU co-funding in the area of sustainable water use in agriculture and forestry.

The 2016 Joint Call was implemented through nine tasks which have been separated in two Work Packages. These tasks have been planned according to the specifications of the ERA-NET Cofund instrument:

  • Work Package 2 - Co-funded Call management: from preparation to launch
  • Work Package 3 - Co-funded Call management: from evaluation to proposal selection
  • Work Package 4 - Monitoring and Assessment of the projects funded through the WaterWorks2015 Co-funded call

The implementation of the Co-funded Call was facilitated by two horizontal work packages:

Additional Activities were also carried out to further support the implementation and the international cooperation strategy of the water JPI, as well as a common vision with the FACCE-JPI. These Additional Activities have been prepared in two Work Packages for in-depth cooperation between partners:


Linking to WaterWorks2015 actions
AQUATAP-ES - Thematic Annual Programming action on "Ecosystem Services"

Document Actions

published on 2016/01/11 15:37:00 GMT+1 last modified 2021-12-16T01:50:39+01:00