Workshop Strategy for International cooperation: the Danube region
Held on the 5th November, this workshop on “International Cooperation in the Danube region”, gathered key players in the Danube region. It homes more than 80 million people from 19 countries and it covers an extension of more than 800 000 square kilometres. The region faces water pollution (mainly from agricultural purposes), the loss of hydrological connectivity and the effects of climate change; these challenges are expected to exacerbate in the future. The Water Joint Programming Initiative (Water JPI), as part of its supporting EU-funded Coordination Support Action project, International cooperation for Water, IC4Water, aims at tackling water challenges in developing a common strategy for International Cooperation with existing Initiatives, such as the ones in the Danube region. This workshop aimed at exchanging with international initiatives and governmental institutions of the Danube region interested in RDI joint activities to
- strengthen / develop the Water JPI international network in this region;
- plan and implement, on a voluntary basis, joint research programmes and actions;
- elaborate on the overall strategy on the Danube regional issues related to water.
Discussions at the workshop allowed collecting views from possible partnering countries and regional initiatives on main RDI challenges in the region and potential models for further cooperation.
Download the Workshop Programme
Download the Workshop Proceedings
Download the Workshop Master Presentation
Download other presentations:
- European Strategy for the Danube Region, Johan Magnusson, EC
- The Water related issues and the RDI landscape in the Danube region, Hélène Masliah-Gilkarov, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River
- Danube Strategy Point, Robert Lichtner, Danube Strategy Point
- Danube Transnational Programme, Niculae Marius-Valentin, Danube Transnational Programme
- Danube INCO NET, Felix Gajdusek
- DANUBIUS Research Infrastructure, Adrian Stanica, DANUBIUS RI
- Black Sea Commission, Iryna Makarenko, Black Sea Commission