Strategy for International Cooperation Workshop 2020 – European initiatives
The Water JPI, as part of its supporting Coordination and Support Action is looking at opportunities to develop a common strategy for international cooperation with other European initiatives. IC4Water was launched in January 2017 and is funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020. IC4Water aims to implement joint activities in a dedicated effort to reinforce international cooperation in research, development and innovation to address global water challenges.
The 2020 Water JPI Workshop on “Towards a Common Strategy on International Cooperation” took place on 26th May 2020 virtually.
This was the third workshop in a series of three workshops designed to elaborate a common strategy with other relevant EU and international initiatives on international cooperation in the context of research, development and innovation activities. This workshop was primarily targeted at peer EU initiatives.
There were 45 attendees (from 62 registrations) for this online workshop, from 25 countries. The attendees represented 17 initiatives/networks, including the Water JPI.
View the Workshop Programme
Download the Workshop Proceedings
Download the Presentations:
- Introduction: How will the outputs from the workshop feed in the process of preparing the Strategy
- Keynote Presentations:
- Examples of International Cooperation Strategies
- Cooperation with BELMONT Forum (presentation available from speaker)
- Cooperation with South Africa
- Cooperation with Canada