
Third AQUATAP-ES Workshop Parts I and II

Part I: Addressing Aquatic Ecosystems Services Data and Modelling needs
Part II: Developing guidance on decision-support tools for Aquatic Ecosystems Services


Part II: 3rd AQUATAP-ES Workshop on developing guidance on decision-support tools for Aquatic Ecosystems Services

The second part of the third AQUATAP-ES virtual workshop ‘’Developing guidance on developing decision-support tools for Aquatic Ecosystems Services’’ took place October 8th 2020. Thirteen members from seven countries attended the workshop, made up of the existing AQUATAP-ES network group, members of the steering committee and the wider community of the Water JPI. The workshop was hosted by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The workshop started with updates to the mid-term outputs. The first part of discussion focussed on the aquatic ecosystems services data and modelling needs survey, the drafting of a paper based on analysis of this survey results for publication and the draft catalogue of models used in ecosystem services assessment. The feedback from the survey will form the basis of the paper being drafted for publication. During the second part, the focus and workings of the workshop centred on decision support systems (DSSs) and tools and the brief guidance the network plan to develop as a final output. This work will progress in earnest in early 2021.


Workshop Programme

Workshop Proceedings

Workshop Presentations

Final Policy Brief


Part I: 3rd AQUATAP-ES Workshop on Addressing Aquatic Ecosystems Services Data and Modelling needs

The first part of the third AQUATAP_ES workshop was originally due to take place in Madrid, but due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, this was changed to a half day virtual workshop on June 16th, 2020, Addressing Aquatic Ecosystems Services Data and Modelling needs. It was attended by 19 people including representatives from the six TAP projects from seven different countries. The workshop was hosted by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

 Aquatap meeting 04.png

The main purpose of this workshop was to initiate work on the medium-term goals, in respect to Data and Modelling needs. The group used collective knowledge to identify potential data needs. Those needs will very much depend on how ecosystem services are being considered and the questions that the stakeholders are asking/information that they are seeking. The data needs will also influence the modelling and in turn the DSS. This 3rd workshop now demonstrates increased   outputs achieved by the network as they progress work together and further develop their activities in the AQUATAP-ES implementation plan.

At the centre of this group is a continuum of strong and positive collaboration were the network participants will further co-develop outputs, impacts and linkages with stakeholders to ensure the message on the importance of Ecosystems Services is central to policy and practice  and can be practically applied on the ground to make a real impact.

Download the Workshop Programme

Download the Workshop Proceedings

Download the Workshop Master Presentation

Download the Workshop Presentation on Modeling

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published on 2020/07/28 15:09:00 GMT+2 last modified 2024-03-06T12:07:10+02:00