
First Water JPI TAP Action Kick Off

The Kick-off meeting took place on the 12th June 2019 in Dublin, Ireland and involved 21 participants from 16 organisations and 8 countries.

The Kick-off meeting took place on the 12th June 2019 in Dublin, Ireland and involved 21 participants from 16 organisations and 8 countries. Participants met to identify synergies and shared outputs that could be achieved over the 2-year lifetime of the TAP. Discussions were informed by learnings from the experience of FACCE-JPI TAP Soil and the details of the six participating project teams from Spain, The Netherlands, Ireland and Finland. Over the break-out sessions the participants identified areas of added value that the TAP could progress. The next steps for the TAP are to complete and then deliver their Implementation Plan.


View the Workshop Programme.


Download the Workshop Proceedings.

Download the Presentations

What is the Water JPI all about?

Getting to know each other – Meet the TAP Projects:

  1. Complex eco-evolutionary dynamics of aquatic ecosystems faced with human-induced and environmental stress: Anna K. Kuparinen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
  2. Design of a methodology to increase flood resilience compatible with improved status of water bodies and sustainable management of water resourcesJosé María Bodoque del Pozo, University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) Spain.
  3. ESDecide: from Ecosystem Services Framework to Application for Integrated Freshwater Resources ManagementMary Kelly Quinn, University College Dublin (UCD) Ireland.
  4. Ecosystem services and Natural Capital for the large Dutch water bodiesJoost Backxs, Rijkswatestaat, The Netherlands
  5. Spatial and temporal flow intermittency in fluvial ecosystems: effects on structure, function and ecosystem servicesVicenç Acuña, Fundació Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua Spain.
  6. The Diversity and Resilience of kelp ecosystems in IrelandKathryn Schoenrock, National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) Ireland.

Document Actions

published on 2019/10/25 10:11:00 GMT+2 last modified 2024-03-06T12:05:35+02:00