Work Package 5
Communication, exploitation and dissemination of the results
Leader: ISPRA
Months: 1 – 60
Communication, dissemination and networking activities to promote the participation in the Co-funded Call and the research achievements, in particular implementing knowledge and networking activities between the broader Water research communities and key stakeholders.
These activities will aim to:
- Raise the visibility of the Water JPI activities;
- Support the measurement of the Water JPI outreach activities (i.e. demonstrate the impact of the Communication tools, via measurable indicators) in order to complement existing tools / activities in order to fill possible gaps and maximise the impacts;
- Facilitate the mapping and foresight activities; and
- Develop an interactive e-catalogue accessible from the Water JPI website containing the description of the Co-funded Call projects and arising outputs.
5.1 Dissemination, communication and exploitation of results of the WaterWorks2017 ERA-NET Cofund
In the framework of the Work Package 5, the “Plan for disseminating, communicating and exploiting WaterWorks2017 outputs” – has been released on May 2018.