
Joint Call 2018 - WaterWorks 2017

Water Work 2017 

Closing the Water Cycle Gap – Sustainable Management of Water Resources


The list of projects recommended to be funded by the Call Steering Committee under the Water JPI 2018 Joint Call on “Closing the Water Cycle Gap – Sustainable Management of Water Resources” is now available
Eighteen transnational projects recommended for funding for €15.2M
Following the ranking list of proposals prepared by the independent Evaluation Panel of experts, the Call Steering Committee – composed by the WaterWorks2017 ERA-NET partners participating in the Water JPI 2018 Joint Call – has shortlisted for funding eighteen transnational research projects for a total Grant amount of over 15.2 million euros (including 4.9 million euros cofounded by EC). The eighteen shortlisted projects are scientifically excellent projects, covering a wide range of disciplines (from social and economic sciences to nature sciences), and addressing all challenges presented in the call announcement.

Note: A procedure intended for coordinators of RD funded projects was developed by the Water JPI for requests of extension of a RD project duration, and is available here

The Kick-off meeting of the funded projects was held in Stockholm on the 12th April 2019.

The booklet of the funded projects is available here.

The recommended projects to be funded are listed below.

Project Acronym Project Title Coordinator Participating countries
ATeNaS To ally technology, nature and society for integrated urban water management Poland Finland, France
BLOOWATER Supporting tools for the integrated management of drinking water reservoirs contaminated by Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins Italy Norway, Sweden
EnTruGo Enhancing Trust in government through effective water Governance strategies Netherlands Norway,South Africa, Sweden
EviBAN Evidence based assessment of NWRM for sustainable water management Norway Finland, France, South Africa
FLUXMED Strategies for increasing the water use efficiency of semi-arid Mediterranean agrosilvopastoral systems under climate change Italy Cyprus, Egypt, France, Tunisia
iAqueduct An integrative information aqueduct to close the gaps between global satellite observation of water cycle and local sustainable management of water resources Netherlands Israel, Italy, Sweden, Spain
IN-WOP Mind the Water Cycle Gap: Innovating Water Management Optimisation Practice Netherlands France, Italy, Tunisia
MARadentro Managed Aquifer Recharge: Assessing the Risks of Recharging Regenerated Water Spain France, Italy, Spain, Sweden
NATWIP Nature Based Solutions for Sustainable and Resilient Water Management in the Anthropocene Sweden Norway, Poland, South Africa, Spain 
NEWTS Nudges for Economics of Water Tariffs France South Africa, Spain, Tunisia
RainSolution Research-based Assessment of Integrated approaches to Nature-Based solutions Sweden Brazil, Estonia, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Romania
RECOWATDIG Sustainable technology for the staged recovery of an water from of high moisture fermentation products Poland Netherlands, Sweden
REFORM WATER Reducing the effects of forest management on inland waters Finland Estonia, Ireland, Sweden
Sense and Purify SPy Combining remote sensing with in-situ sensing to track the spatial and temporal in fresh and transitional waters Ireland France, Ireland, South Africa, Spain
SIMTWIST Simulating tourism water consumption with stakeholders Netherlands Italy, Spain
URBANWAT Tools and criteria for URBAN groundWATer management Spain France, Nethelands
WaterHarmony Closing the Water Cycle Gap With Harmonised Actions for Sustainable Management of Water Resources Norway Israel, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden
WATERPEAT Water management for sustainable use and protection of peatlands Finland Ireland, Norway

The outcome from STEP 1 (eligibility and evaluation of the pre-proposals) has been already notified to coordinators. The period to submit Full Proposals is now open. Full Proposal can be submited until September 18th, 2018, 17h00 (CEST).
Full proposal template and Guidelines for applicants are now available (see section Call Documentation).

ALL Coordinators and Partners: be aware of your National Regulations! Please, contact your NCP for confirmation before submitting the Full Proposal.

The Call Secretariat for the Water JPI 2018 Joint Call on Closing the Water Cycle Gap will be closed between 16 July until 29th July. E-mails sent during this period will be answered after 30th July. During the period 30th July until 13th August the Call Secretariat will answer e-mails with some delays and only emerging questions will be answered during this last period. For advise with proposals to be sent in by 18 September, the call secretariat will be helpful again from 13th August.


The ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2017 responds to the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Societal Challenge 5 2017 Call topic SC5-33-2017: Closing the water gap, which aims at delivering on priorities identified in the Water JPI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), in order to reconcile water supply and demand, both in terms of quantity and quality, and also in terms of space and time. WaterWorks2017 will be implemented through the Water JPI 2018 Joint Call for transnational collaborative projects on Research & Innovation to support the implementation of water policies, in particular on SRIA Theme 5 “Closing the Water Cycle Gap – Improving Sustainable Water Resources Management”. The following two themes are targeted in this thematic area:

Enabling sustainable management of water resources; and
Strengthening socio-economic approaches to water management.

WaterWorks2017 will benefit researchers, policy-makers, water authorities, utility operators, industry and citizens by developing research and innovation in the water area.

Closing the water cycle gap referrers here to bridge the gap in “supply – demand”. Proposals are invited on the topic “Closing the Water Cycle Gap – Sustainable Management of Water Resources” organised around three challenges:

Enabling sustainable management of water resources,
Strengthening socio-economic approaches to water management, and
Supporting tools for sustainable integrative management of water resources.

The Water JPI 2018 Joint Call will be funded by 20 Funding Partner Organisations from 18 countries and with the support of the European Commission.

View the list of participating countries.

This Call is for transnational research proposals. Consortia should include at least three (3) eligible independent partners coming from three (3) different countries whose Funding Partner Organisation participate in the call, from which, at least two (2) eligible independent partners come from two (2) EU Member States or H2020 Associated countries whose Funding Partner Organisation participates in the call.

Funding of the participating researchers will be provided by their respective national funding organisations, in accordance with their national eligibility conditions.

Researchers from other countries can also participate at their own costs (commitment needed for being associated to a consortium applying to the Water JPI 2018 Joint Call).

Opening of the 2018 Joint Call – 19 February 2018
Webinar for applicants – 12 March 2018

1st stage – Deadline for submission of pre-proposals: 24 April 2018, 17h00 (CEST)

2nd stage – Deadline for submission of full proposals: 18 September 2018, 17h00 (CEST)

Water JPI call webinar
The Water JPI has organised a webinar on the “Closing the Water Cycle Gap – Sustainable Management of Water Resources” on 12th of March 2018.
Two webinar sessions were provided: Webinar A from 10:30 to 12:30 CEST and Webinar B from 14:00 to 16:00 CEST.
The webinar started with a 25 min presentation on how to apply, including guidance through templates and FAQ. The next 1.5 hours were dedicated to answer the questions submitted by attendees. The call secretariat replied to all attendees questions through audio.

Questions submitted by the attendees were included in the updated version of the FAQ document available here.

also notice that the FAQ has been up-dated on 2018-04-12 regarding the following question:

Q - Must case studies be proposed for European “and” non-European countries or for European “and/or” non- European countries?

As eligibility condition to this call under an Eranet Cofund, Consortia should be comprised of a minimum of three partners from three different countries participating in the call, at least two of them should be from EU Member States (so called European countries) or H2020 Associated Countries. Case studies can be limited to the countries participating in the consortium, but relevant case studies in additional countries are welcomed, especially outside of Europe as we want to stimulate wide application of the results i.e. consortia consisting of European and non-European countries are expected to propose at least one case study beyond Europe (H2020 Associated Countries and other countries involved in the funding of this call) as well as one in Europe (EU Member States).

You can also download the presentation in PDF format.

More information on 2018 Joint Call website or through the Water JPI 2018 Joint Call Secretariat: Kristina Laurell – Swedish Research Council Formas

Developing your consortium and finding partners:
Become a member of the Water JPI – Researchers Forum on LinkedIn! Go to:


  1. Call pre-announcement.
  2. Call announcement (includes detailed information on the aim and scope of the Joint Call, eligibility criteria, funds…).
  3. National/Regional regulations (contains detailed information from all Funding
  4. Full Proposal template (word)
  5. Single-page CV template (word)
  6. Budget table template
  7. Electronic submission platform (Full Proposal)
  8. Users Guidelines for the electronic submission platform (Full Proposal)
  9. FAQ for the 2018 Joint Call

Document Actions

published on 2017/06/27 07:17:00 GMT+2 last modified 2023-03-01T16:25:57+02:00