Newsletter 01 January 2019 - Special Issue
SPECIAL ISSUE:January 2019: Only 2 weeks left to have your say on the future of water
There are only 2 weeks left on the Public Consultation to update the Water JPI the Vision 2030 and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
There are only 2 weeks left on the Public Consultation to update the Water JPI the Vision 2030 and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. Please Fill-out the Online Survey ...
There are only 2 weeks left on the Public Consultation to update the Water JPI the Vision 2030 and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. Please Fill-out the Online Survey available here. Closes on the 1st February 2019.
The Water JPI is currently updating the Vision 2030 and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 3.0. As part of the public consultation process, your feedback is important to us because it will help to inform our new Vision 2030 and SRIA 3.0. By completing the online survey, you will ensure both of the revised documents are relevant and robust. The results of this public consultation will inform a series of national and international consultative workshops in 2019.
The Water JPI Vision document is the overarching road map that is reviewed every 10 years. It provides the context (trends, drivers and challenges) and outlines the JPI objectives and research questions responding to the issues and challenges facing the European water sector up to 2030 and beyond.
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda sets out the guiding principles and identifies policy-relevant research priorities for the future, while making them openly accessible to the various stakeholders, including policy makers, regulatory agencies, researchers, end-users and the public. It charts the future water-related research, development and innovation in Europe and is reviewed every 5 years to ensure it remains relevant. The current SRIA 2.0 presents the strategic objectives and research priorities under five key themes. However, the next revision, must respond to both current and emerging global water challenges for the next 10 years and beyond.
Water JPI National Workshops - The Water JPI Vision 2030 and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Ireland is currently preparing the new Vision of the Water JPI up to 2030 and preparing the next Update of the Water JPI SRIA (3.0). Following on from a number of workshops during 2018, the process and timeline to complete this has now been agreed. As part of the consultative and collaborative process it has been recommended that each Partner organise a National Workshop(s) on the SRIA and Vision Updates, in order to:
- To promote input and feedback on the Vision and SRIA at national level
- To ensure geographical representation
- To capture national priorities, where relevant
All of these workshops will be finalized by the end of March 2019, for timely input to the Vision and SRIA updates. So watch out for local updates from your own national contact point, as to where and when you can take part on a national basis.
Water JPI Workshop on strategy for international cooperation, Vienna 19 september 2018
The Water Joint Programming Initiative (JPI), as part of its supporting EU-funded Coordination Support Action IC4Water, CSA IC4Water, is looking at opportunities to develop a common strategy for International Cooperation with other European Initiatives.
The Water Joint Programming Initiative (JPI), as part of its supporting EU-funded Coordination Support Action IC4Water, CSA IC4Water, is looking at opportunities to develop a common strategy for International Cooperation with other European ...
The Water Joint Programming Initiative (JPI), as part of its supporting EU-funded Coordination Support Action IC4Water, CSA IC4Water, is looking at opportunities to develop a common strategy for International Cooperation with other European Initiatives.
The Water JPI held its first workshop on the 19th September 2018 in Wien/Vienna, Austria. This workshop was coordinated and hosted by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on behalf of the Water JPI. A number Initiatives were represented giving detail on their work and included talks from DG Research and Innovation, UN-Water and the Groupe de Programmation Conjointe (GPC). A total of 40 people attended the workshop including representatives from 15 different initiatives. This first workshop provided an opportunity for participants to discuss the current state of play of international cooperation in the context of research, development and innovation activities, and to exchange views on and share experiences regarding identifying common barriers, as well as good practices. Proceedings and presentations are now available at the following link Water JPI workshop.
The outcomes of the workshop discussions, will provide the next steps to progress this important work and also inform the second workshop to take place in 2019, which will be targeted at the Research community engaging in the Joint Actions implemented by the initiatives involving International Cooperation, due to take pace in June 2019.
Workshop on valorization of water research and innovation outside Europe 19th of march, Brussels
The Water JPI in cooperation with the WssTP wish to announce an up and coming workshop on Valorization of water research and Innovation outside Europe.
The Water JPI in cooperation with the WssTP wish to announce an up and coming workshop on Valorization of water research and Innovation outside Europe. Participants experience with valorization from past and current programmes will be shared; ...
The Water JPI in cooperation with the WssTP wish to announce an up and coming workshop on Valorization of water research and Innovation outside Europe. Participants experience with valorization from past and current programmes will be shared; barriers, best practices and possible tools and solutions will be discussed. Participants will gain a clearer understanding on this topic and in turn aid in establishing stronger research and innovation partnerships outside Europe in the field of water.
The workshop will be held back to back with the annual WssTP Water Market Europe meeting at the same venue which will take place 20 – 21 March, 2019.
Protecting and restoring Europe's waters: an analysis of the future development needs of the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
100 water experts took part in a questionnaire in relation to updating the Water Framework Directive (WFD).
100 water experts took part in a questionnaire in relation to updating the Water Framework Directive (WFD). This article provides recommendations to improve the WFD Directive with regard to monitoring and assessment systems, improving programmes of ...
100 water experts took part in a questionnaire in relation to updating the Water Framework Directive (WFD). This article provides recommendations to improve the WFD Directive with regard to monitoring and assessment systems, improving programmes of measures and further integration with other sectoral policies. The analysis highlights that there is great potential to enhance assessment schemes through strategic design of monitoring networks and innovation, such as earth observation. New diagnostic tools that use existing WFD monitoring data, but incorporate novel statistical and trait-based approaches could be used more widely to diagnose the cause of deterioration under conditions of multiple pressures and deliver a hierarchy of solutions for more evidence-driven decisions in river basin management.
Mars policy briefs
The MARS project finished in 2018, producing a number of extremely relevant policy briefs.
The MARS project finished in 2018, producing a number of extremely relevant policy briefs. The MARS recommendations document provides information and highlights relevant outcomes of the MARS project aiming to inform River Basin Managers and ...
The MARS project finished in 2018, producing a number of extremely relevant policy briefs. The MARS recommendations document provides information and highlights relevant outcomes of the MARS project aiming to inform River Basin Managers and stakeholders in other sectors (energy, water industry, agriculture) on how to best assess and mitigate impacts of multiple stressors acting on Europe’s aquatic ecosystems.
READ MORE on the policy briefs: Policy briefs aim to give policy-makers the information about freshwater biodiversity and ecosystems needed to make informed decisions. They are key science papers, which outline implications for policy and provide recommendations for the future: “Future of the Water Framework Directive: What have we learned and how do we adapt to new challenges?”; “ Relevance of multiple pressures, related stressors and their interactions in European River Basin Management”.
Water test network launched officially!
The Water Test Network is a project funded by the ERDF (€3.61million) as part of the Interreg North-West Europe programme.
The Water Test Network is a project funded by the ERDF (€3.61million) as part of the Interreg North-West Europe programme. The project is a collaboration between partners across North West Europe (NWE) which will establish a transnational network of ...
The Water Test Network is a project funded by the ERDF (€3.61million) as part of the Interreg North-West Europe programme. The project is a collaboration between partners across North West Europe (NWE) which will establish a transnational network of testing facilities to enable SMEs in NWE to develop, test and verify new innovative products to address the challenges faced by the water sector. Its main aim is to speed up market uptake of innovative water technologies.
The Water Test Network project is now ready to receive applications. If you are an SME in NWE and want to make use of the transnational network of testing facilities and the accompanying services, please click here.
The project runs from March 2018 until December 2021 and offers SMEs a fully-funded integrated package of support which will be tailored to their needs. This means for example linking them to the best possible facility for their testing/verification needs.
New funding & tenders portal!
The Participant Portal has been replaced by the Funding & Tenders Portal.
The Participant Portal has been replaced by the Funding & Tenders Portal. The Funding & Tenders Portal can search for EU funding and tender opportunities, and manage grants and contracts in one place. Whether you are an SME looking to bid for an EU ...
The Participant Portal has been replaced by the Funding & Tenders Portal. The Funding & Tenders Portal can search for EU funding and tender opportunities, and manage grants and contracts in one place. Whether you are an SME looking to bid for an EU procurement contract or an NGO having won an EU grant, it is just one click to get involved. the new portal covers about 15 EU funding programmes (i.e. there are still programmes managed in other places). By the start of the next EU Budget period (2021), the portal will cover all centrally managed EU funding programmes.
For procurement contracts, the fully electronic management will be introduced gradually. Initially the Funding & Tenders Portal provides a simple search on calls for tenders. In a few years, procurement contracts of the European Commission will be handled paperless (as grants are handled already today).
1st Wasag international forum on water scarcity in agriculture
Cabo Verde, in collaboration with Italy and FAO, will host the up and coming WASAG International Forum 1st International Forum on Water Scarcity in Agriculture.
Cabo Verde, in collaboration with Italy and FAO, will host the up and coming WASAG International Forum 1st International Forum on Water Scarcity in Agriculture to be held in Praia, Cabo Verde from 19 to 22 March 2019, to coincide with the ...
Cabo Verde, in collaboration with Italy and FAO, will host the up and coming WASAG International Forum 1st International Forum on Water Scarcity in Agriculture to be held in Praia, Cabo Verde from 19 to 22 March 2019, to coincide with the celebrations of the World Water Day 2019 which this year adopts the theme of ‘Leaving no one behind’.
The forum aims at identifying concrete – practical, innovative and collaborative- solutions to address water scarcity in agriculture in a changing climate. With a focus on Cabo Verde, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and West African countries, the forum is expected to illustrate how water scarcity in agriculture can be addressed and turned into an opportunity for sustainable development, food and nutrition security. Focus areas are:
- Water and Migration
- Drought Preparedness
- Financing Mechanisms for sustainable management of water resources
- Water and Nutrition
- Sustainable Agriculture Water Use
- Saline Agriculture
Interested individuals and organizations can submit technical contributions (papers or posters) to Organizations or group of organizations can also submit proposals for a side event.
The due date for all the submissions is 10 February 2019. More info is available here
11th International sednet conference
The preliminary conference program for the upcoming, 11th International SedNet conference “Sediment as a dynamic natural resource – from catchment to open sea”
The preliminary conference program for the upcoming, 11th International SedNet conference “Sediment as a dynamic natural resource – from catchment to open sea” is available on the conference website. The conference is co-organised by the Ruđer ...
The preliminary conference program for the upcoming, 11th International SedNet conference “Sediment as a dynamic natural resource – from catchment to open sea” is available on the conference website. The conference is co-organised by the Ruđer Bošković Institute and the University of Dubrovnik, with support of the IAEA. Main session topics are:
- Sediment management concept and sediment policy
- The impact and transport of microplastics
- Ballast water and sediments – BWM Convention
- Circular economy – sediment as a resource
- Sediment quality guidance, sediment quality assessment
- Climate change and sediments: direct and indirect consequences
- How can sediment management influence ecosystem services provision?
- Nuclear and isotopic analytical techniques in sediment analysis
- Impacts of disturbed sediment continua and mitigation measures
- Cooperation – a question of common sense. Can legal steps help to enforce?
- Using Sediment as a resource
1st water innovation workshop: design of modern waste water treatment plants
The topic of the introductory EWA event series is ‘’Design of Modern Waste Water Treatment Plants’’
The topic of the introductory EWA event series is ‘’Design of Modern Waste Water Treatment Plants’’ and will be held in Prague. On 19th September 2018 the new waste water treatment plant in Prague was inaugurated. Its innovative design and new ...
The topic of the introductory EWA event series is ‘’Design of Modern Waste Water Treatment Plants’’ and will be held in Prague. On 19th September 2018 the new waste water treatment plant in Prague was inaugurated. Its innovative design and new processes are the focal point of this workshop which entails:
- How to run a modern WWTP;
- Challenges during the construction of a new WWTP;
- Implications of emerging contaminants.
3rd EWA spring conference
The theme for the conference is Advanced Technologies and Solutions for Groundwater Management and Use for Drinking Water Supply
The theme for the conference is Advanced Technologies and Solutions for Groundwater Management and Use for Drinking Water Supply, with the following sub-themes:
- Groundwater-based Drinking Water Supply (Treatment, Distribution, Monitoring and ...
The theme for the conference is Advanced Technologies and Solutions for Groundwater Management and Use for Drinking Water Supply, with the following sub-themes:
- Groundwater-based Drinking Water Supply (Treatment, Distribution, Monitoring and Control, and Reuse)
- Groundwater Remediation
- Groundwater Mapping, Monitoring and Modelling.
11th world congress of EWRA
The aim of the 11th World Congress of EWRA Congress
The aim of the 11th World Congress of EWRA Congress is to discuss innovation in water resources management to address current and future challenges: growing uncertainty, greater extremes, increasing demand, water scarcity and global change. While ...
The aim of the 11th World Congress of EWRA Congress is to discuss innovation in water resources management to address current and future challenges: growing uncertainty, greater extremes, increasing demand, water scarcity and global change. While traditional management practice is still effective, new technologies and approaches are emerging to better protect, regulate, allocate and recycle water resources. Sustainable management of water resources in the 21st Century requires a comprehensive understanding of the interaction of complex natural and social components in a changing context. The Congress will seek scientifically sound and economically-efficient solutions that are environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and climate-proof.
The Congress intends to be a forum for scientists and engineers from diverse cultures around the world to discuss their understanding of water resources systems at a diversity of scales and to promote environmentally sustainable water resources management.
2020 floodrisk2020
The conference will be, once again, the opportunity for scientists and practitioners to come together and discuss their work with a focus, on science and practice for an uncertain future.
The conference will be, once again, the opportunity for scientists and practitioners to come together and discuss their work with a focus, on science and practice for an uncertain future.
FLOODrisk2020 is therefore committed to attract, coach and ...
The conference will be, once again, the opportunity for scientists and practitioners to come together and discuss their work with a focus, on science and practice for an uncertain future.
FLOODrisk2020 is therefore committed to attract, coach and listen to the next generation of scientists and practitioners who will future-proof our research methods and help to improve our flood risk management practice in order to better cope with deep uncertainty.