11th world congress of EWRA
- http://www.waterjpi.eu/resources/newsletter/archive/2019/copy_of_newsletter-01-january-2019/11th-world-congress-of-ewra
- 11th world congress of EWRA
- 2019-06-25T12:00:00+02:00
- 2019-06-29T13:00:00+02:00
- The aim of the 11th World Congress of EWRA Congress
- What Events
- When Jun 25, 2019 12:00 PM to Jun 29, 2019 01:00 PM
- Where Madrid, Spain
- Add event to calendar iCal
The aim of the 11th World Congress of EWRA Congress is to discuss innovation in water resources management to address current and future challenges: growing uncertainty, greater extremes, increasing demand, water scarcity and global change. While traditional management practice is still effective, new technologies and approaches are emerging to better protect, regulate, allocate and recycle water resources. Sustainable management of water resources in the 21st Century requires a comprehensive understanding of the interaction of complex natural and social components in a changing context. The Congress will seek scientifically sound and economically-efficient solutions that are environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and climate-proof.
The Congress intends to be a forum for scientists and engineers from diverse cultures around the world to discuss their understanding of water resources systems at a diversity of scales and to promote environmentally sustainable water resources management.