
SPECIAL ISSUE:January 2019: Only 2 weeks left to have your say on the future of water

There are only 2 weeks left on the Public Consultation to update the Water JPI the Vision 2030 and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.

There are only 2 weeks left on the Public Consultation to update the Water JPI the Vision 2030 and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. Please Fill-out the Online Survey available here. Closes on the 1st February 2019.
The Water JPI is currently updating the Vision 2030 and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 3.0. As part of the public consultation process, your feedback is important to us because it will help to inform our new Vision 2030 and SRIA 3.0. By completing the online survey, you will ensure both of the revised documents are relevant and robust. The results of this public consultation will inform a series of national and international consultative workshops in 2019.
The Water JPI Vision document is the overarching road map that is reviewed every 10 years. It provides the context (trends, drivers and challenges) and outlines the JPI objectives and research questions responding to the issues and challenges facing the European water sector up to 2030 and beyond.
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda sets out the guiding principles and identifies policy-relevant research priorities for the future, while making them openly accessible to the various stakeholders, including policy makers, regulatory agencies, researchers, end-users and the public. It charts the future water-related research, development and innovation in Europe and is reviewed every 5 years to ensure it remains relevant. The current SRIA 2.0 presents the strategic objectives and research priorities under five key themes. However, the next revision, must respond to both current and emerging global water challenges for the next 10 years and beyond.

Water JPI National Workshops - The Water JPI Vision 2030 and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Ireland is currently preparing the new Vision of the Water JPI up to 2030 and preparing the next Update of the Water JPI SRIA (3.0). Following on from a number of workshops during 2018, the process and timeline to complete this has now been agreed. As part of the consultative and collaborative process it has been recommended that each Partner organise a National Workshop(s) on the SRIA and Vision Updates, in order to:

  • To promote input and feedback on the Vision and SRIA at national level
  • To ensure geographical representation
  • To capture national priorities, where relevant

All of these workshops will be finalized by the end of March 2019, for timely input to the Vision and SRIA updates. So watch out for local updates from your own national contact point, as to where and when you can take part on a national basis.