
New funding & tenders portal!

The Participant Portal has been replaced by the Funding & Tenders Portal.

The Participant Portal has been replaced by the Funding & Tenders Portal. The Funding & Tenders Portal can search for EU funding and tender opportunities, and manage grants and contracts in one place. Whether you are an SME looking to bid for an EU procurement contract or an NGO having won an EU grant, it is just one click to get involved. the new portal covers about 15 EU funding programmes (i.e. there are still programmes managed in other places). By the start of the next EU Budget period (2021), the portal will cover all centrally managed EU funding programmes.
For procurement contracts, the fully electronic management will be introduced gradually. Initially the Funding & Tenders Portal provides a simple search on calls for tenders. In a few years, procurement contracts of the European Commission will be handled paperless (as grants are handled already today).