

Site News

Xenowac II Conference

We are delighted to announce and share with you the final Conference Agenda of the XENOWAC II 2018 to be held in Limassol, Cyprus the 10-12 October 2018.

10 Years of Joint Programming

Joint JPIs Declaration presented at Austrian Presidency conference As part of the development of the next EU Framework Programme (Horizon Europe), the role of Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) is under discussion. Based on the experiences of the ten JPIs and their recently presented long-term visions and strategies, the conference will focus on their role and contribution to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and implement mission-oriented programmes in Horizon Europe.

Water JPI Advisory Boards renewal

The Water JPI is assisted in its work by two groups of advisors who sit on the Water JPI Advisory Boards; a Scientific and Technological Board (STB) and a Stakeholders Advisory Group (SAG).

Water JPI 2018 Conference – Helsinki, Finland - 6-7 June 2018

The 2nd Water JPI Conference on “Emerging Pollutants in Freshwater Ecosystems” was held in Helsinki on 6-7 June 2018. Emerging Pollutants in Freshwater Ecosystems is a very topical theme: the provision of safe water for drinking purposes is threatened by the improper disposal of chemicals, animal and human waste, pesticides, emerging pollutants.