Water Special issue on Pharmaceutic Compounds
Water is a peer-reviewed open access journal on water science and technology, including the ecology and management of water resources, and is published monthly online. A Special Issue on Pharmaceutic Compounds (PhCs) and Groundwater is now open for submission. Editors are looking forward editing a group of significant papers that provide a rigorous insight to the stated problems: the regional occurrence of PhCs in groundwater, the characterization of the PhCs input sources and their effects, the details on the transport processes and, especially, on their physico-chemical behavior concerning sorption and degradation parameters and mechanisms that would eventually allow simulating their fate in the subsurface. Finally, papers dealing on how to efficiently characterize the groundwater chemical status associated to these emerging pollutants at a regional level will contribute to translate hydrogeological knowledge to stakeholders and managers. Contributions that provide a comprehensive, integrated perspective of many of the mentioned issues are especially welcome.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 1 May 2019.