
2018 Water JPI workshop on Existing Impact Assessment Systems

The JPIs, Water JPI among them, were set up to increase the efficiency of national research and innovation investments by enhancing and improving cross-border collaboration, coordination and integration of national activities.

The JPIs, Water JPI among them, were set up to increase the efficiency of national research and innovation investments by enhancing and improving cross-border collaboration, coordination and integration of national activities. This is a long-term process, with strategic and system-wide objectives intended to change the European R&I policy and funding landscape in selected knowledge areas, to better tackle grand societal challenges. Impact assessment has been implemented as a way to verify the existence of problems, identify the underlying causes, assess the actions needed and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of available solutions. The JPIs present a special challenge for the programme impact assessment, as they are more complex and ambitious than other national or bilateral programmes.

To progress this work, the 2018 Water JPI Workshop on Existing Impact Assessment Systems was organised by the State Research Agency (Spain), in Vienna, Austria, on 18 September 2018. The purpose of the Workshop was to better orient the implementation of the impact assessment system of the Water JPI and to progress the definition of specific aspects of the assessment (e.g. dimensions, activities to be evaluated, the indicators).

The organization of a series of workshops and meetings planned under different Water JPI supporting projects (the instruments ERA-nEt Cofunds WaterWorks2014, WaterWorks2015 and WaterWorks2017, and Coordination and Support Action - CSA IC4WATER) will contribute to better understanding of the impact assessment and its methodology on different levels (from specific activities to transnational collaboration programmes), ensure wide involvement of countries across the Water JPI, as well as provide the continuity of this activity beyond the duration of a single instrument.

The 2018 Water JPI Workshop on Existing Impact Assessment Systems, was organized under the CSA IC4WATER in support of the Water JPI. The Workshop report is currently being prepared and will be published soon on the Water JPI website.