
European Flood Awareness System

The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) is the first European operational system for monitoring and forecasting floods across Europe. It provides complementary, flood early warning information up to 10 days in advance to its partners, the national/regional hydrological services and the European Response and Coordination Centre (ERCC).

The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) is the first European operational system for monitoring and forecasting floods across Europe. It provides complementary, flood early warning information up to 10 days in advance to its partners, the national/regional hydrological services and the European Response and Coordination Centre (ERCC).

The Hydrological Data Collection Centre analysed all hydrological data collected throughout 2017 with particular focus on:

  • the general hydrological conditions of 2017;
  • the gaps within the data collection;
  • the exceedance of hydrological thresholds; and
  • flood events.