

Research-based Assessment of Integrated approaches to Nature-based SOLUTIONS

Project Coordinator

fotocoord.JPGMiklas Scholz:

Institution: Lund University (also appointments at Johannesburg University, The University of Salford and Central University of Technology)

Country: Sweden


logo.JPGThere is a need to close the demand and supply gap in terms of quantity and quality of water resources. Therefore, the project “Research-based Assessment of Integrated approaches to Nature-based SOLUTIONS” (RainSolutions) aims to develop an integrated framework of methodologies to manage nature-based solutions (NBS) for the restoration and rehabilitation of urban water resources systems.

The objectives are:
a) to identify stakeholder and ecosystem needs for knowledge in NBS planning and design during engagement activities (addressing WP1,2&4);
(b) to review and capitalize upon existing experiences of good practices (addressing WP1–4);
(c) to simulate the impact of climate variability on NBS within scaled pilot laboratory and field installations (addressing WP2,3&5);
(d) to develop an integrated indicator system for the evaluation of key NBS in terms of closing the water quantity and quality gap addressing also socio-economic aspects (addressing WP2,4&5);
(e) to map ecosystem services delivered by NBS for an evaluation of the best technology to implement in different urban contexts to support sustainable water management (addressing WP1–6);
(f) to create a NBS planning and design framework supported by machine learning to generate recommendations addressing challenges associated with climate resilience and well-being in urban areas (addressing WP5&6); and
(g) to disseminate the self-sustainable web-based framework in collaboration with national stakeholders fostering the transfer of NBS knowledge and communicate the project impact (addressing WP4&7).

RainSolutions will close the water cycle gap promoting active stakeholder engagement (addressing objectives a, b and g). The most promising NBS for each case study will be screened and performance indicators identified. A strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis for each case study city will be undertaken to identify missing pieces in creating a truly holistic approach to improving water and climate change resilience as well as enhancing ecosystem service (objectives c–e). RainSolutions will provide evidence-based knowledge regarding NBS that were successful (objective b). RainSolutions will organise this knowledge using a catalogue. New NBS business models supported by the proposed framework will be created (objective f). International cooperation between project partners will represent a bridge for market opportunities. The consortium will create guidelines for cost-effective urban water system restoration and ecological rehabilitation measures (objective f). RainSolutions will create a decision-support framework (objective g). The project will create a NBS catalogue describing technologies. Key performance indicators are number of stakeholders involved in the networking events, number of cities attending the workshops, etc. (objective g). RainSolutions will increase awareness of the benefits delivered by restored ecosystems (objective g). This will be achieved with the creation of tools (objective f) to foster the public participation in designing and planning of NBS (e.g., Living labs, Communities of Practices and winning-twinning workshops).

Funders of the project:

FORMAS (Sweden)

WRC (South Africa)

EPA (Ireland)

Fundacao Araucaria (Brazil)




ETAg (Estonia)

UEFISCDI (Romenia)