

Strategies for increasing the water use efficiency of semi-arid Mediterranean agrosilvopastoral systems under climate change

Project Coordinator

Nicola Montaldo: nmontaldo(at)

Institution: Università degli studi di Cagliari, UNICA 

Country: Italy


The Mediterranean regions are subjected to a large variety of climates, ranging from arid to sub-humid with summers characterized by high temperatures and low precipitation. At the same time, the water scarcity highlights the need for careful water resources management and planning in Mediterranean regions. In the Mediterranean regions, there is a persistent declining trend of precipitation and runoff decreases, contributing to a desertification process with dramatic consequences for agricultural and water resources sustainability. Climate change projections point to an amplification of changes in global precipitation patterns and trends, with further drier trends for the Mediterranean area and dramatic consequences on water resources for managed and natural systems. To face the upcoming water crisis, there is a need to develop stronger international cooperation in water research and enhance the resilience of agricultural and natural systems to climate change. In water-limited regions the conservation of water through improving agriculture and environmental management practices is highly needed, and the use of water-efficient and drought-tolerant tree and crop species a prerequisite. Land planning strategies need to be investigated under both current and future scenarios, due to the impact of these strategies on the environment and the water resources.

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Funder of the project

Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca, MIUR (Italy)

Research Promotion Foundation, RPF (Cyprus)

Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, ASRT  (Egypt)

Agence National de la Recherche, ANR (France)

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, MHESR  (Tunisia)

Document Actions

published on 2022/05/13 14:39:00 GMT+1 last modified 2022-05-19T15:55:30+01:00