


The aim of the European Network of Freshwater Research Organisation (EurAqua) is to contribute substantially to the development of European freshwater science and technology and its dissemination on a European scale, thus having a significant input on the development of the scientific and economic basis of European water management.
The EurAqua Partner institutions are leading, generally public, freshwater research institutions in the Member States of the European Union plus Norway and Switzerland. They extensively support national policies as well as water business. Within the country, the EurAqua members are closely connected to other relevant institutions.
Today, EurAqua consists of 24 partner institutes from 22 Countries.
EurAqua collaborations:

  • Water JPI – “Water Challenges for a Changing World"
  • PEER – Partnership for European Environmental Research
  • WssTP – European Technology Platform on Water

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Antonio Lo Porto
Antonio LO PORTO (Chair)
Function Researcher at the Italian Water Research Institute (IRSA-CNR) and Chair of EurAqua(from November 2015)
Phone +39 080 5820527 (+39 3471604003 mob.)
Areas of expertise Water Resources and River Basin Management, Irrigation, Water quality

EUREAU - European Federation of National Associations of Water and Wastewater Services

EurEau is the voice of Europe’s water sector. We represent drinking and waste water service providers from 29 countries in Europe, from both the private and the public sectors.

Our members are the national associations of water services in Europe. At EurEau, we bring national water professionals together to agree European water industry positions regarding the management of water quality, resource efficiency and access to water for Europe’s citizens and businesses. The EurEau secretariat is based in Brussels, from where we coordinate the work of around 200 experts from member organisations and utilities and advocate common positions with EU decision makers.

Our members are fully committed to the continuous supply of clean water and its safe return into the water cycle. We have a role in raising awareness of threats to the water environment. With a direct employment of around 500,000 people, the European water sector makes a significant contribution to the European economy.

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published on 2017/10/26 08:00:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-07-16T14:40:35+02:00