
CIS and EIP Water

CIS and EIP Water

Common Implementation Strategy – CIS
The implementation of the Water Framework Directive raises a number of shared technical challenges for the Member States, the Commission, the Candidate and EEA Countries as well as stakeholders and NGOs. In addition, many of the European river basins are international, crossing administrative and territorial borders and therefore a common understanding and approach is crucial to the successful and effective implementation of the Directive.
In order to address the challenges in a co-operative and coordinated way, the Member States, Norway and the Commission agreed on a Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) for the Water Framework Directive only five months after the entry into force of the Directive.
The results of this work, for instance guidance documents, resource documents or key events related to different aspects of the implementation is available on CIRCA, and Thematic CIS information sheets are available giving an overview with direct links to key documents available.
More details on the overall concept, the numerous activities and the mandates of the Working Groups under the CIS are given in the Work programmes informally agreed by EU Water Directors.
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European Innovation Partnership on Water – EIP Water
European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) aim to speed up innovations that contribute to solving societal challenges, enhance Europe's competitiveness and contribute to job creation and economic growth. EIPs help to pool expertise and resources by bringing together public and private actors at EU, national and regional level, combining supply- and demand-side measures.
The European Innovation Partnership on Water - EIP Water in short - is an initiative within the EU 2020 Innovation Union. The EIP Water facilitates the development of innovative solutions to address major European and global water challenges. At the same time, the EIP Water supports the creation of market opportunities for these innovations, both inside and outside of Europe.
The EIP Water aims to remove barriers by advancing and leveraging existing solutions. Its implementation has started in May 2013 with the main objective to initiate and promote collaborative processes for change and innovation in the water sector across the public and private sector, non-governmental organisations and the general public. This is mainly done via the establishment of Action Groups.
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Document Actions

published on 2017/10/26 08:00:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-07-16T14:37:15+02:00