
10 Years Joint Programming Conference

10 years of the JPIs the "10 Years Joint Programming - Achievements and the Way Forward" Conference took place in Austria, 20 September 2018.

Since 2008 the JPIs have proven to be effective strategic partnerships that significantly enhance the European Research Area. For the occasion of the 10 years of the JPIs the "10 Years Joint Programming - Achievements and the Way Forward" Conference took place in Austria, under the Austrian Presidency of the European Council (20 September 2018) . At the event a Declaration "Driving research and innovation to address global challenges" was presented.

A new video on the Joint Programming Initiatives was also presented at the conference.


JPIs - Joint Programming Initiatives

European national research programmes are among the best in the world, but in order to make better use of research and development resources and tackle common European challenges more effectively the JPIs (Joint Programming Initiatives) were created.

Joing Programming Initiatives are developed in a structured and strategic process where EU countries agree on a voluntary basis on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges.

These challenges include:

  • addressing climate change
  • ensuring energy and food supply
  • healthy ageing of citizens

The aim of the joint programming process is to pool national research efforts and tackle common European challenges more effectively.


To read more about what are JPIs and the benefits of participating in a Joint Programming Initiative download the Joint Programming Innitiatives General Folder

To read more about each of the JPIs download the Joint Programming Initiatives Leaflet

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published on 2020/06/16 12:03:00 GMT+2 last modified 2020-06-16T12:03:55+02:00