

Narratives on Restored Water

Website project:

Social media: @Narrow_Waters

Project coordinator: Håkan TUNÓN -

Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Sweden

Snowchange Cooperative Finland
Geography and Sustainability, University of Lausanne Switzerland
Global Protected and Conserved Areas, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Switzerland


NARROW will examine effective nature conservation and climate change mitigation led by local communities. This will be done by looking at restoration, rewilding, biodiversity, greenhouse gas flux (GHG) and carbon storage of Swedish and Finnish inland waters, wetlands and adjacent meadows and forests. Different sectors of society (e.g. local communities, including Saami people, academics and administrative actors) will be involved. NARROW will examine the success of these locally led restoration projects by bringing together social (oral histories, narratives, values) and ecological (GHG, biodiversity measurements) methods. Ultimately, NARROW will ask the following questions: what are the ecological, cultural, social and spiritual values that inspire local communities to restore and protect different inland water-land systems? Why are they important and how are such values determined and reflected in national and international policy contexts?Two interrelated hypotheses are posted. The first hypotheses is that diverse, inclusive governance is essential for long term conservation outcomes, this includes local participation and locally led governance. The second is that international environmental targets can be met in the long-term through their various local strategies including restoration, diverse governance situations and their vitality. In this way, NARROW improve the understanding of how effectiveness of local participation and governance contributes to achieving biodiversity targets.

Reference documents

For more details on the work plan and expected impact of the project and other projects funded in response to the BiodivRestore joint call consult:

Name Link
NARROW project

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BiodivRestore funded projects booklet Download pdf

Keywords: Restoration and rewilding, Conservation, GHG fluxes, Indigenous people and local communities, Equity, Peatlands, Community based monitoring, Biodiversity, Cultural and social values, Local cultural narratives

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published on 2021/10/15 11:29:00 GMT+2 last modified 2022-08-05T09:35:29+02:00