

Farmer acceptable REstoration of Semi-natural Habitat to limit Herbicides

Website project: not yet available

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Project coordinator: David A. BOHAN -

Agroecology, Bourgogne University/CNRS/INRAE/InstitutAgro - France

Zoology, University of Innsbruck Austria
Agroecology and biodiversity France
Economics, Czech University of Life Sciences Czech Republic
Functional Ecology, Crop Research Institute Czech Republic
Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University The Nederlands
Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Sweden


Arable ecosystems are mosaics of terrestrial and aquatic biomes that are intimately interlinked and must be considered together for robust conservation and restoration. Intensive land use, and use of agro-chemicals in particular, have led to a significant degradation of the biodiversity and ecosystem services in both terrestrial and freshwater biomes. FRESHH aims to counteract this by reducing the need for herbicide applications via weed seed regulation by carabid beetles. The key constraint in the adoption of carabids is uncertainty in effectiveness and the acceptability of biological weed control for farmers. Agro-chemicals such as herbicides are a staple of farm management and reductions in their use is a cause of considerable concern to farmers, despite the potential benefits to the environment.FRESHH sees the agricultural landscape as a combination of three layers: farmed fields; semi-natural habitats; and freshwaters. Herbicides applied in fields may runoff into freshwaters. The installation of semi-natural habitats can intercept this herbicide runoff and also support carabids that reduce the need for herbicide applications in field. FRESHH will work to understand the costs and benefits, and opportunities and constraints of supporting weed seed feeding carabids to reduce reliance on herbicides.

Reference documents

For more details on the work plan and expected impact of the project and other projects funded in response to the BiodivRestore joint call consult:

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BiodivRestore funded projects booklet Download pdf

Keywords: weed regulation, semi-natural habitat restoration, herbicide reduction, conservation of agricultural plants, carabid beetles, aquatic biodiversity, ecological status of freshwaters, weeds

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published on 2021/10/15 11:29:00 GMT+2 last modified 2022-07-27T13:57:05+02:00