
Joint Call 2015 - WaterWorks 2014

WaterWorks2014 Stepping up EU research and innovation cooperation in the water area

The ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2014 was launched on March 2, 2015 in support of the Water JPI. It is funded by the EC under Horizon 2020. WaterWorks2014 aims at tackling European water challenges through the development of transnational and trans-disciplinary research and innovation actions. WaterWorks2014 addresses the specific challenge of integrating the efforts and Strategic Agendas of many European Water Research and Innovation Funding Organisations. WaterWorks2014 benefits researchers, policy-makers, water authorities, utility operators, industry, farmers, and citizens by developing new solutions in the water domain.

Note: A procedure intended for coordinators of RD funded projects was developed by the Water JPI for requests of extension of a RD project duration, and is available here

The Kick-off meeting of the projects was held in Rome on 18 May 2016.

The online booklet of the funded projects was created in collaboration with the coordinators and the contact points of Communication and Dissemination activities. The booklet structure allow to access a wide range of informations for each funded project.

The Mid-term Evaluation Meeting of RDI Projects was held in Larnaca, Cyprus on 8 May 2018

The 16 projects funded under the 2015 JPI call are meeting in Larnaca for their mid-term review.  The project presentations are available here.

Events and results of the RDI projects

WE-NEED - WatEr NEEDs, Availability, Quality and Sustainability - final workshop       

12 June 2019 - Politecnico Milano (Leonardo Campus), Auditorium Milano - Italy

Smart irrigation from soil moisture forecast using satellite and hydro-meteorological modelling
12 June 2019  - Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies - Rome in Italy
Event brochure

Open Data&Open Access of the funded projects under Water JPI Joint Call

The consortia of the sixteen projects funded by the Water JPI 2015 Joint Call should report their activities following the requirements highlighted in the Guidelines on project management and using the templates Mid-term Progress Report and the Final Progress Report

Document Actions

published on 2015/03/02 10:17:00 GMT+2 last modified 2020-02-17T16:43:03+02:00