
WaterWorks 2014 Booklet

WaterWorks2014 Stepping up EU research and innovation cooperation in the water area

WATERWORKS 2014 BOOKLET on funded projects

The online booklet represents the first activity carried among researchers of the WaterWorks2014 funded projects.

The 16 transnational collaborative research projects on the call theme “Research and Innovation for Developing Technological Solutions and Services for Water Systems” are: ACWAPUR, Biorg4WasteWaterVal+, DESERT, DOMINO, IMDROFLOOD, INXCES, IRIDA, MEPROWARE, MUFFIN, Pioneer_STP, PROGNOS, SIM, STEEP STREAMS, TH.E.R.BIO.R, WATINTECH, WE-NEED. These projects will be funded by 17 partner organisations from 15 different countries and by the European Commission. Grants will be awarded to each consortia partner by their national funding organizations according to national rules and procedures.

Funded projects under the 2015 Water JPI Joint Call
Acronym Title Coordinator Countries
ACWAPUR Accelerated water purification during artificial recharge of aquifers - a tool to restare drinking water resources Jens Armand (Denmark) Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Italy
Biorg4WasteWaterVal+ Bioorganic novel approaches tor tood processing waste water treatment and valorisation: Lupanine case study Carlos Alberto Afonso (Portugal) Portugal, Italy, Spain, Cyprus
DESERT Low-cost water DEsalination and SEnsoR Technology compact module Salvatore Camposeo (Italy) Italyy, Spain, Belgium
DOMINO Dikes and Debris Flows Monitoring by Novel Optical Fiber Sensors Luca Palmieri (ltaly) taly. The Netherlands, Spain
IMDROFLOOD lmproving Drought and Flood Early Warning. Forecasting and Mitigation using real-time hydroclimatic indicat ors Sergio Vicente-Serrano (Spain) Spain. Portugal. Romania. Estonia. Rep. of Moldova. South Africa
INXCES INnovations tor eXtreme Climatic EventS Tone Merete Muthanna (Norway) Sweden. Norway, Netherlands. Romania
IRIDA Innovative remote and ground sensors. data and tools into a decision support system tor agriculture water management Diego S. lntrigliolo (Spaio) Spain, ltaly, Romania. Norway
MEPROWARE Novel methodology tor
the promotion of treated wastewater reuse tor Mediterranean crops improvement
Alfieri Pollice (ltaly) ltaly. Portugal. Spain
MUFFIN Multi-scale urban flood torecasting: from locai tailored systems to a pan-European service Jonas Olsson (Sweden) Sweden. Denmark: The Netherlands. Finland
Pioneer_STP The Potential of Innovative Technologies to lmprove Sustainability of Sewage Treatment Plants Juan M. Lema (Spaio) Spain, ltaly, Denmark. Sweden. Spain
PROGNOS Predicting in-lake responses to change using near real time models Donal Pierson (Sweden) Sweden. lreland, Denmark. Norway, lsrael
SIM Smart irrigation from soil moisture torecast using satellite and hydro-meteorological modelling Marco Mancini (ltaly) ltaly. The Netherlands. Spain. China
STEEP STREAMS Solid Transport Evaluation and Efficiency in Prevention: Sustainable Techniques of Rational Engineering and Advanced Methods Aronne A. Armanini (ltaly) ltaly, Sweden. Portugal
TH.E.R.BIO.R Thermal energy recovery from a novel sequencing batch biofilter granular reactor Franciso Javier Batlles Garrido (Spain) Spain. ltaly, Denmark
WATINTECH Smart decentralized water management through a dynamic integration of technologies lgnasi Rodriguez­Roda Layret
Spain. ltaly, Denmark. Portugal
WE-NEED WatEr NEEDs. availability, quality and sustainability Consortium Composition Monica Riva (ltaly) ltaly. lsrael. Portugal, Spain

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published on 2015/03/02 10:17:00 GMT+2 last modified 2024-03-07T12:37:38+02:00