STEEP STREAMS - Solid Transport Evaluation and Efficiency in Prevention: Sustainable Techniques of Rational Engineering and Advanced Methods | ||||||||| Project presentation: STEEP STREAMS |
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Coordinator: Prof. Aronne Armanini |
Projects Partner and Institution: University of Trent, Italy |
Key words: climate change; mountain basins; debris flows; driftwood; torrent protection works; experimental basins |
Abstract: The recent increase in intensity and frequency of meteorological and hydrological events in mountainous areas is recognized as one of the effects of climate change. Extreme meteorological events endorse hydrological extreme events in steep channels, like flash floods, intense bed load transport, debris flows, and driftwood. Conventional defence works and their design criteria currently in use are erratic to ensure sufficient protection to human life and urban settlements. For this reason, new approaches need to be studied. The STEEPS STREAMS project aims at researching structural innovative solutions and design criteria reliable to mitigate the impacts of flash floods and debris flows especially in presence of intense woody material transport, typical of mountain catchments. Given the growing increase of the risk conditions and the increase in urbanization of these areas in the European context, a rigorous study approach is needed. |
Project structure: |
Implementation: The study approach envisaged by this project is the following:
Outcome/deliverables: The outcome of the project is the application of innovative rational criteria for the mitigation, prevention and risk reduction against extreme events. Criteria are adapted to the particular conditions of mountain areas and account for the effects of climate change. The output of STEEP STRREAMS will consist in scientific publications and in a guideline for the prevention, risk management and risk mapping against extreme events of solid transport in steep stream of mountain areas in Europe, developed accounting for the effect of climate change. The project also aims at starting a collaboration between researchers and practitioners also belonging to different disciplines, like meteorology, climatology hydrology, hydraulic engineering forestry engineering, including the research fields of sediment transport and of wooden transport in steep streams. D1.1 First Annual Progress Report of the activity (by each WP). |
References coordinator and leaders of each WP: |
Contact Point for Communication/Dissemination activities: E. Nucci |
Contact Point for Open Data/Open Access activities: E. Nucci |
Picture of the research team:
Results of the project: Data and resources |